Posts Tagged ‘Epic’

4 years. 4 whole years it’s been. And every year the bar has been pushed higher and higher for the one and only Dublin Comic Con. Although this year I am only able to attend the Saturday date, you guys, my readers, have been so kind as to fill me in on the details of Sunday so I won’t leave any juicy bits out! So without any further adieu let’s jump right into this shall we?!


Another month another comic con. Wait? What? This isn’t a comic convention?  A horror convention?!! Where have you been all my life!?

For one weekend in February Screamvention took over the Red Cow Moran Hotel in Dublin and for those two days February turned into FebruGORY with horror icons flooding in from all over the world to spend some time with their fans! For something so new and niche it’s always interesting to see how it turns out and below you’ll see what I took from this weekend.


Finally, after two years of waiting I finally made it to the illustrious Q-Con! After hearing nothing but good things about it I had to check it out for myself. But alas the train fares and my work schedule have forbid me to attend, until this year. And to say I was surprised is an understatement. Why?!


As we know the Unreal Engine was one of the best engines for making games, it has been used in almost all major AAA titles and has really set the bar for graphics, lighting, physics and all the other lovely stuff that makes our games look and feel like real life! I remember back in the day when Gears of War 2 was being revealed and they showed off the next generation of Unreal Software and they did this by shooting a cube of meat over and over within the GoW game….this blew our minds! And now here we are, Unreal Engine 4 and an unbelievably well made video showing off the sheer power of this new engine. (more…)


Not really much to say about this, I think we all know the method by now with Capcom and their handling of Street Fighter sequels. But this does look pretty good. (more…)

Probably one of the hardest con write ups I’ll ever have to do mainly because of the alleged stigma attached to MCM and their handling of the con scene in Ireland. Although I have no solid evidence to back this up it’s been heard through the grapevine that MCM Ireland would be a con to avoid and to save your money for some of the other conventions that will be happening throughout the year. Personally I don’t believe this and I find that all conventions seem to be the same, they have the same vendors, same atmosphere and the same goal. But this con just seemed a tad different in my opinion.

We here at Akroview try to be diverse in the games that we play, it can be boring being tied down to a specific genre. So I decided to hunt down some games that don’t really fit in with the usual norm that is the current landscape, and I stumbled upon possibly one of the most beautiful rhythm games that I have played so far, Deemo!

Deemo is a very simple game but with a very complex story, I’m still not 100% in it but this is what I’ve gathered so far. Deemo is a slendermanesque figure who is destined to a life of solitude and loneliness, with his only companion being an old piano to which he makes the most beautiful music! Then all of a sudden, a young girl falls from the sky beside Deemo, not knowing what to do with this new-found companion. He decides to help the girl get back to wherever she came from. Whenever the piano is played a tree starts to grow from the top of it, and by playing songs on the piano maybe he can send the girl back home! (more…)

‘The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler’ that’s almost a big a mouthful as a slice of the granny’s pie in that screenshot. Not much is really known at the minute about when it will be released or what the storyline is but it certainly looks interesting and that pie really does look delicious!

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So in part one I touched upon the more hyped up games that will be appearing on the new Xbox One, but there was a lot more on show. The four that were reviewed in the first part were ones that I was eager to get my hands on and did so with an already one sided opinion on what these games would be like, but there was a whole lot of other games that I was new to and was first introduced to at the event. I was quite surprised at the quality and gameplay of these games and it only further reinforced the notion of me purchasing an Xbox One in the near future. So lets get cracking into some of the lesser hyped games appearing on the Xbox One.

Below you will see the games that actually are able to push to the top of the fun list when it comes to next gen consoles, leaving graphics behind and focusing more on the players experience whilst playing to provide a very enjoyable experience. (more…)

The Xbox One World Tour has graced the emerald Isle for the weekend and lucky Xbox enthusiasts will be able to test out their favourite games before the official launch next week. I got to go to a special preview and got hands on with the Xbox One. I walk into the hall and there it was, the future of gaming, sitting there in front of me. I never would’ve thought that I would be able to get to play this console until sometime next year but there it was and the staff member hands me the controller and asks will I play him in a vs. match of the new Killer Instinct. How could I refuse!

This event was mainly showcasing the launch titles that the Xbox One has to offer and didn’t really touch on the hardware side of things. But I will say this, the controller feels so much better than the previous 360 pad. It feels lighter, more streamlined and fits to your hands so damn perfectly it’s insane. Eliminating the bulky battery back to make it lighter and giving the player more freedom to rest their fingers on the back of the controller was a great touch. I did feel that the bumper buttons (LB & RB) felt quite stiff at times and during a game of COD: Ghosts i really had to search for the buttons and press down very sharply to get them to throw the grenade. (more…)