Posts Tagged ‘gore’

Another month another comic con. Wait? What? This isn’t a comic convention?  A horror convention?!! Where have you been all my life!?

For one weekend in February Screamvention took over the Red Cow Moran Hotel in Dublin and for those two days February turned into FebruGORY with horror icons flooding in from all over the world to spend some time with their fans! For something so new and niche it’s always interesting to see how it turns out and below you’ll see what I took from this weekend.



We here at Akroview love horror games and films and we have done our fair share of jump scare videos over the years. One of which you can see below, although not my proudest moment for entertainment sake it was pure gold.



It was only a matter of time before Spartacus got it’s own game and to be honest it would have been good. Think of it, it would be one of the goriest gladiator games to ever grace the home console. But Spartacus Legends is far from legendary. (more…)


Get mission, walk, kill zombie, realise you can’t carry more supplies and repeat. This is the general principle behind State of Decay it seems. Now don’t get me wrong we here at Akroview love zombies and the undead, sure our editor (ME!) is part of a zombie hunting group in Ireland, but I wasn’t all that impressed with State of Decay as most others seem to be. (more…)

Horror legend Clive Barker is on the minds of many horror fans tonight as The Forum in Darlington are set to be shocked and awed by the cult classic that is NightBreed as part of the Darlington Art’s Festival, this newly restored film will be shown at 8pm tonight and I highly urge any fans of horror in the Darlington area to check it out. There will also be a Q&A session afterwards with 3 stars of the film Hugh Ross, Simon Banford and Nicholas Vince. (more…)


We here at Akroview love zombies and all things horror so it was no surprise that we saw this and thought “yup this could be worthy to grace our sd card!”

But what first seemed to be a dull endless running game turned out to be much more addictive, or should we say infectious, then we could have ever thought. (more…)

A History of Horror

The horror genre has been one of the most popular genres in film since the beginning of the movie theatre. But modern horror has been taking a turn for the worse. Horror films today have been inclined to show more gore than actual horror and this has then made a new sub genre know as Gorno, or Gornography. Recently horror has begun to get popular again, with the release of “Sinister” and “Paranormal Activity 4” (Some may argue that’s not the case!). But horror was not always like this, let’s take a trip through the history of the horror genre and find out how it’s advanced since the black and white times of Nosferatu. (more…)