Posts Tagged ‘simple’


Never in a million years would I have thought a lone bird could cause so much anger and stress in my life! Usually they say it’s good luck when a bird drops a care package on you but in the case of Flappy Birds it’s nothing but pain and sorrow! But God is it addictive!

The folks at GEARS studio have really brought out a gem here, and usually I tend to stay away from all these mainstream games on mobile devices. I realise that makes me sound like a video game Hipster but I assure you I’m not. I just don’t see the satisfaction in anything that has “Saga” in the title. But right now it seems that the internet has focused all it’s attention on Flappy Bird!

Which could verify the point that the bird, is in fact, the word!

All bad jokes aside Flappy Bird is an unbelievably simple and fun side scrolling app that imitates the classic playstyle of Chopper, in which I mean tapping the screen to cause a sudden spasm of lift in our little flapping friend.

Our main objective is to guide this little critter through an endless wave of Super Mario tunnels! But this is much easier said than done! The slightest tap could send you bashing into the side or tip of said tunnels and cause you to crash into the ground with a strangely satisfying thud!


Overall it’s not a bad game, it’s fun and addictive and requires little or no battery power which means you can play for hours on end! The only bad thing I have to say for Flappy Bird is it’s sound, by God it is awful! High pitched and truly irritating, I basically have to play this game on mute to stop my eardrums from bursting!

Flappy Bird is available now on the Play Store and is FREE! So give it a go and let us know on out Facebook page what your highest score was. Currently ours stands at a mere 13!
